I feel shattered today…… senseless and unexpected atrocities, have once again, devastated innocent civilians and the world at large.
The brutality is chilling.
I could feel the excruciating pain, as I saw images of the remains of broken bodies trampled like cockroaches and strewn across the road.
I could feel the anguish of parents fleeing the horrific scene, whilst cradling a precious child against their breast. 

I have a daily habit of going for a meditative walk.
I intuitively gather discarded objects that happen to attract my attention and these bits and pieces, I lovingly call my ‘Catch of the Day’.

However, on many occasions these little collections, which I intuitively arrange into scenarios, have uncannily predicted or reflected, the Mood of the Day.
Today was no exception.

Title: ‘NOT NICE’
16 July 2016 
