
Getting into Head with Aleta

May 2023

October 2022

September 2022

Secrets of Paris: Yeti the iceman

September 25, 2022|

Secrets of Paris Yeti the iceman Extracted from one of my Parisian Diaries 18/1/08 I walk around the chilly alleys of Paris. Runny eyes blur my vision and a r(f)unny nose, my dignity!  A heavily [...]

July 2022

March 2022


March 7, 2022|

I wrote this piece on the 12th September 2013 and it's clear that I was still thinking intensely about the remembrance and anniversary of '9/11' the previous day. 'DENIAL'  (knowing so much yet understanding so [...]

February 2022

July 2021

September 2020


September 30, 2020|

BRAND OF LOVE - AROMA - TRICKERY  I've often wondered about love, and what exactly the ingredients are, that attract or repel people from each other.One often encounters couples or friends, who enjoy each other's [...]

August 2020

Interview in Afrikaans on Radio RSG (SA)

August 6, 2020|

Ek het Dinsdagaand 4 Aug 2020, met Christelle, van Radio RSG (SA) gesels en 'n paar dinge wat gewoonlik verborge is, vertel. Daar is persoonlike verhale van agter die skerms, asook moontlike insae in van [...]

April 2020


April 20, 2020|

'COMMON SENSE (Leaning by example)' 'As a child, my father (a visionary as well as an astute businessman) always pointed out the difference between that which was theoretical and that which actually worked in practice. [...]

November 2019


November 5, 2019|

'I did not sleep much last night. I was hyper alert and found it fascinating to listen to and distinguish between the infinitesimal sounds on our roof and the gutter.  I heard little thuds on [...]

October 2019

MORE OR LESS (Too much of a good thing)

October 1, 2019|

The ultimate paradox - Increased abundance equals accelerated loss. The more things you have, the less time and opportunity you have to interact with it. Choosing the best from an abundance of ideas, immobilizes and [...]

September 2019

July 2019


July 11, 2019|

  Aleta Michaletos 'At Odds-Imperfect Perfection' 2005 (355x455) oil on board.'Weeds are tenacious and whether they multiply quickly or slowly, it is always surely. They are powerful and deliberate in their quest to strangle, overpower and survive. [...]

June 2019


June 13, 2019|

'I think the best thing to do when you feel like you've 'painted yourself into a corner', is to stop! You may think that by squeezing out fresh paint onto the clean spots of your [...]

June 6, 2019|

I think we all suffer from procrastination to some degree. However I really identify with and am inspired by the way Srinivas Rao not only clarifies the problem but creates a vivid image that sets [...]

May 2019


May 21, 2019|

'Sometimes you happen to witness an unexpected little miracle, when the light falls 'just so' and awakens a thing of beauty that would have remained undiscovered if you had not been in the right place, [...]


May 18, 2019|

We were never meant to reach a point where labor and all our toiling ends. The ultimate destination one would think, would be when you are at last in the fortunate position, or blessed with [...]

March 2019


March 12, 2019|

The accumulated clutter on your cellphone and your computer is invisible to the eye.You only 'see' the problem the moment your functionality is abruptly and negatively affected and you are instantly forced to take action. [...]

February 2019


February 21, 2019|

No one may even suspect, but sometimes you sense that you have started to falter and you have to gather all your strength to fight really hard, just not to lose the battle.

July 2018


July 4, 2018|

Sometimes I get the distinct feeling, that all the ideas I spawn (but never find the time to realize or complete), are not lost to oblivion.To accomplish the painstaking materialization of any idea, one needs [...]

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